Prof. Dr. Philipp Vana, MBA
Group Leader
Georg-August-University of Göttingen
Institute of Physical Chemistry
Tammannstraße 6, Room 3.124
D-37077 Göttingen, Germany
Tel. +49 (0)551 39 12753
Fax +49 (0)551 39 12709
Curriculum Vitae
Date and Place of Birth
10. Feb. 1971, Vienna, Austria
April 2015 – March 2019 | Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry of the Georg-August-University Göttingen, Germany |
April 2014 – March 2015 | Director of the Institute of Physical Chemistry, Georg-August-University Göttingen, Germany |
since April 2010 | Full Professor (W3) for Macromolecular Chemistry at the Institute of Physical Chemistry, Georg-August-University Göttingen, Germany |
Sep. 2008 – March 2010 | Heisenberg-Professor (W2) for Functional Polymers at the Institute of Physical Chemistry, Georg-August-University Göttingen, Germany |
May 2006 – Aug. 2008 | Independent Senior Research Associate (self-employment within the frame of a DFG-funded research grant) Institute of Physical Chemistry, Georg-August-University Göttingen, Germany |
November 2005 | One-month research stay at the Institute for Chemical Research of the Kyoto University, Uji, Japan. Research Group: Prof. Takeshi Fukuda |
April 2003 – April 2006 | Senior Research Associate, Institute of Physical Chemistry, Georg-August-University Göttingen, Germany. Research Group: Prof. Michael Buback |
March 2001 – March 2003 | Research Fellow, (Erwin Schrödinger Fellowship of the Austrian Science Fund), Centre for Advanced Macromolecular Design, School of Chemical Engineering and Industrial Chemistry, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia. Research Group: Prof. Thomas P. Davis |
July 1996 – Feb. 2001 | Research Associate, Institute of Physical Chemistry, University of Vienna, Austria. Research Group: Prof. Oskar. F. Olaj |
Sep. 1999 – April 2000 | Military Service in the Austrian Army, Computer Specialist, National Defence Academy, Vienna, Austria |
July 1995 – June 1996 | Junior Research Associate, Institute of Physical Chemistry, University of Vienna, Austria. |
February 2008 | Privatdozent, venia legendi for Technical and Macromolecular Chemistry, University of Göttingen. Thesis: ‘The RAFT Polymerization: From Kinetics to Complex Macromolecular Architecture’ |
March 2003 | Master of Business Administration (MBA), for General Management, Danube University Krems, Austria |
February 2000 | Diplomierter Wirtschaftstechniker, postgraduate studies of Economics and Law at the Technical University of Vienna, Austria |
May 1999 | Doktor rer. nat., (equiv. to PhD), graduation with first class honours. Institute of Physical Chemistry, University of Vienna, Austria. Thesis: ‘The termination rate coefficient of free radical polymerization and its chain-length dependence’. Supervisor: Prof. O. F. Olaj |
July 1996 | Magister rer. nat., (equiv. to MSc), graduation with first class honours. Institute of Physical Chemistry, University of Vienna, Austria. Thesis: ‘The influence of carbon tetrachloride on the polymerization of styrene – stationary and pseudostationary investigations’. Supervisor: Prof. O. F. Olaj |
1996 | 2. Diploma examination in Chemistry, with first class honours. University of Vienna, Austria |
1993 | 1. Diploma examination in Chemistry, with first class honours. University of Vienna, Austria |
Prizes, Fellowships, and Declined Offers
2018 | Hermann F. Mark Medaille of the ‘Österreichisches Forschungsinstitut für Chemie und Technik (OFI)’ |
2010 | Offer for Full Professor (W3) of Technical Chemistry of Polymers at the University of Leipzig / The Leibniz Institute of Surface Modification (declined) |
2010 | Offer for Full Professor (W3) of Technical Chemistry at the University of Duisburg-Essen (declined) |
2008 | Karl-Winnacker Fellowship of the Aventis Foundation |
2008 | Heisenberg-Professorship (DFG) for Functional Polymers |
2006 | ‘Reisestipendium’ of the ‘Reimund-Stadler-Stiftung’ of the Macromolecular Division of the ‘Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker’ (GDCh) |
2005 | Postdoctoral Fellowship for Foreign Researchers of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science |
2003 | Promotion Award of the ‘Dr.-Otto-Röhm Gedächtnisstiftung’ |
2001 – 2003 | Erwin Schrödinger Fellowship of the Austrian Science Fund |
Editorial Service
- Member of the International Advisory Board of the ‘Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics’ journal
- Member of the International Advisory Board of the ‘Macromolecular Theory and Simulations’ journal
- Deutsche Bunsen-Gesellschaft für Physikalische Chemie
- DECHEMA Gesellschaft für Chemische Technik und Biotechnologie
- Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker
- Deutscher Hochschulverband
- Subcommittee of the IUPAC Macromolecular Division on “Modelling of Polymerization Kinetics and Processes”
Stefanie Kindler
Tel.: +49 (0)551 39 23140
Dr. Florian Ehlers
Senior Researcher
Tel.: +49 (0)551 39 33128
Dr. Holger Gibhardt
Senior Researcher
Tel.: +49 (0)551 39 23134
Sandra Lotze
Chemical Technical Assistant
Tel.: +49 (0)551 39 12596
Jannis Gottwald
Chemical Technical Assistant
Tel.: +49 (0)551 39 10645
Robert Dallinger
Synthesis of Acrylic Block Copolymers for Sustainable Adhesive Coatings
Tel.: +49 (0)551 39 14270
Dr. Luise Fanslau
Molecularly Imprinted Polymers via RAFT Polymerisation for Biological Applications
Tel.: +49 (0)551 39 14270
Daniel Kösters
Gas Permeability of Polymeric Hybrid Materials
Tel.: +49 (0)551 39 14270
André Rellmann-Sprink
Advanced Acrylate Adhesive Glues with Complex Polymer Architecture
Tel.: +49 (0)40 88899 7118
Qingyuan Song
Polymer-Hybrid Nanomaterials
Tel.: +49 (0)551 39 10804
Lorenz Stamm
Developing RAFT-Mediated Polymerization-Induced Self-Assembly in Emulsion towards industrial application
Tel.: +49 (0)551 39 14367
Anatoly Zuev
Production of functionalized polymers using RAFT polymerization
Tel.: +49 (0)551 39 14367
MMC Group 2022